The constellation Cepheus.
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King Cepheus
Cepheus was king of a land called Ethiopia in Greek myth. He had a wife named Cassiopeia and a daughter, Andromeda. Cassiopeia liked to brag about her beauty so much, that she said she and Andromeda were more beautiful than the Nereids. Poseidon got very angry, and sent a sea monster to kill Cepheus and his family.
Andromeda was offered as a sacrifice, and just when the sea monster was going to eat her, Perseus saved her. All four people, along with the monster, are in the sky as constellations.
Cepheus looks like a house. The point on top is a special star called a cepheid. These stars are used to measure long distances. Just below the constellation is another cepheid. This red star would be the North Star if we lived on Mars.
There are several galaxies, star clusters and nebulae within Cepheus. However, most are very dim and can only be seen with a telescope. If you have a telescope to use, browse this old constellation to find many celestial objects.
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