This is an image of a volcanic cloud which goes from the troposphere to the stratosphere.
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Image from: National Geographic magazine
An Overview of Uranus' Atmospheric Structure
As on Earth, the atmosphere of Uranus consists of a troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. The
troposphere is the region where the visible clouds are to be found. The
stratosphere, as on Earth, is a region where the atmosphere warms. Unlike the Earth however, where stratospheric warming is caused by the presence of ozone, the causes of the warming of the Uranian stratosphere are the hazes of methane to be found there. The
mesosphere of Uranus, as on other planets, is a static region, a region of balance between incoming and outgoing energy. The
thermosphere is the other region of the atmosphere where the atmosphere warms. The
ionosphere is the region of the atmosphere that is filled with charged particles. For a picture showing how the temperature changes in whole atmosphere, click
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The mesosphere of Uranus is a region of balance between warming and cooling. That essentially means that nothing happens there. Except for diffusion, the atmosphere is still. Upper reaches of the atmosphere,
Besides methane, Uranus' atmosphere contains even more complex molecules such as ethane gas. (These gases are similar to the exhaust gases that come out of cars on earth). These molecules form layers of
As on Earth, the atmosphere of Uranus consists of a troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. The troposphere is the region where the visible clouds are to be found. The stratosphere, as
On Uranus, as on Jupiter, the winds in the belts and zones blow first in one direction, then in the opposite direction. Wind blows east in a belt, and west in a zone. The clouds rise up in a belt, and
The clouds on Uranus, like Jupiter, are divided into belts and zones. On Uranus the belts and zones are hard to find. The left picture shows the north pole of Uranus. In this picture only the smog of
The clouds of Uranus, composed of methane crystals, are found very low in the atmosphere, and are difficult to see below the smog haze s of the planet. False color is used, in the image of Uranus to the
In this picture, the Earth and Uranus are both viewed from the top. In the view of the Earth, the sun is shining from the left, and part of the north pole is in daylight and part of the north pole is in