Solar System Coloring Book--Jupiter
Distance from Sun: 483,000,000 miles
Diameter: 88,736 miles or about 11 Earths across
Number of moons:
Length of year: 4,333 Earth days (about 12 Earth years)
Temperature: -278°F
Jupiter is mainly made of liquid and gas, with a small rocky core.
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest planet in the solar system. It is so big that it contains more material than all the other planets put together! Orange, red, yellow, brown, and white clouds swirl around the planet. The Great Red Spot is a huge spinning storm that has been seen for hundreds of years.
Other Coloring Books:
Sun | Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Asteroids | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Pluto | Comets