Drawing of the god Geb holding an ankh, a symbol of life.
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Thousands of years ago, Geb was worshipped in lower Egypt as the earth god. Geb was depicted as a bearded man with a goose on his head. He was the provider of crops and a healer. Egyptian people believed that Geb's laughter caused earthquakes.
In an Egyptian legend, Geb married Nut, the sky goddess, without asking the powerful Sun god Re. Re was so angry at Nut and Geb that he forced their father Shu, the god of air, to separate them. That is why the Earth is divided from the sky. Moreover, Re prevented Nut from having children.
Fortunately, Thoth the divine scribe decided to help her. Thus, he conned the Moon into playing a game of draughts, where the prize was the Moon's light. Thoth won so much light that the Moon had to add five new days to the official calendar. Thus Nut and Geb could finally have children.
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