Rona was the daughter of the sea god
Tangaroa. She was the Tide Controller.
One night she was carrying a bucket with stream water back home to her
children, when the path became dark. The Moon slipped behind the clouds
making it impossible to see anything. As Rona was walking, she hit her
foot against a root that was sticking out of the ground. She was so upset
that she couldn't see the root, she made some unkind remarks about the
The Moon heard her remarks and put a serious curse on the Maori people.
The Moon took offense and grabbed Rona and her water bucket. Many people
today see a woman with a bucket in the Moon. It is said that when Rona
upsets her bucket, it rains. This Maori story symbolizes the influence of
the Moon on the rain and on the waters of the Earth, and especially on the
In a different Maori myth, Rona is male. He travels around looking for his wife, and eventually ends up on the Moon. To this day, the two take turns eating each other. This is how the phases of the Moon were explained. Both would replenish themselves in the live waters of Tane. They began their battle once again.
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