Skua Boots
After hiking Ob
Hill in my super-warm and huge Extreme
Cold Weather (ECW) boots, I need to find another pair of boots for hiking.
My feet were just slopping around inside the issued boots and it didn't lead
to a very secure feeling climbing up a rocky slope or down areas of packed snow
on the hill. My trail running shoes work well around town but are too well ventilated
to stand up well to more than half hour outside. Several folks on our team tried
to be more prepared for this and mailed hiking boots to the station... but packages
haven't come in yet from Christchurch.
With a weight limit of 75 lbs including all the ECW gear, one of the hard packing
choices most people make is bringing only a limited number of shoes - usually
shower shoes and a tennis shoe/light hiking boot of their own. Other than borrowing
shoes (tough when no one has lots of extras), I can go to Skua Central and see
if someone else's castoffs will fit.
Skuas are a gull-like
scavenging bird, very good at picking up anything edible or interesting. Skua
Central is the place where all the reusable but currently unclaimed/donated
clothing, personal items (like games or appliances), or food are stored and
anyone can come by to find something they need. There is a whole half wall rack
of shoes, many workboots, lots without laces... and I found a yellow paint spattered
pair that fit! They are even well insulated and big enough to fit a good pair
of socks.
Postcards from the Field: ANDRILL