Tracking an Active Sunspot Region
An activity adapted from Rice University-Houston Museum of Natural Sciences, Summer Solar Institute, Being a Solar Astronomer
Type of Lesson:
Investigation with evaluation worksheet
Time Needed: 45 minutes (longer if students have not completed the Plotting Sunpot activity)
Standards Addressed
MEGOSE ES5 Describe and explain common observations of the day and night skies.
MEGOSE ES7 Compare our sun to other stars and star systems.
MEGOSE ES8 Explain common observations of the day and night sky.
Quick Summary of Lesson
The student will be able to plot the location of a single active region (AR) for 12 days. The student will be able to track an AR as it moves across the face of the Sun.
student activity sheet (found below)
1. If they haven't already, students will need to complete the Plotting Sunpot activity to acquire background skills.
2. Now move on to this activity specifically. Have students print out and complete the Student Activity sheet (located below).
Student Activity Sheet
Please click here for student activity sheets. All activities on the Windows to the Universe site may be printed and reproduced if being used for educational purposes.
Notes to the Teacher
The Sun rotates on its axis. This rotation is faster at the equator than at the poles. The Sun will make a complete rotation in about 28 days at the equator and 37 days at the poles. Therefore, sunspots at the equator rotate across the face of the Sun in about 14 days. AR7220 moves westward 10-14 degrees each day. The average it moves turns out to be very close to 13 degrees each day. So after 12 days, AR7216 should be at approximately 81 degrees west.
Need More Information? Try Using Windows to the Universe
Please use these links for further ideas or more information:
Graphing Sunspot Cycles another classroom activity
The Photosphere
Plotting Sunspots another classroom activity
Solar Activity
The Solar Cycle
The Sun
Last modified prior to September, 2000 by the Windows Team
The source of this material is Windows to the Universe, at from the National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA). The Website was developed in part with the support of UCAR and NCAR, where it resided from 2000 - 2010. © 2010 National Earth Science Teachers Association. Windows to the Universe® is a registered trademark of NESTA. All Rights Reserved. Site policies and disclaimer.