Crater is a faint constellation best seen in April.
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The constellation Crater is known as the Cup. Crater is a small constellation located between Hydra and Leo and next to Corvus. Crater is best seen sometime between March and June. You'll have to scan the sky closely because it is made mostly of dim stars.
The stories about Crater originate in Greek myth. It is said that Corvus, the crow, was sent by Apollo to get some spring water. He took the cup to fill, and came across a fig that wasn't quite ripe. He waited for it to turn ripe, which made him late on his return. He brought a serpent with him and told Apollo that it attacked him and that was why he was late.
Of course, Apollo knew everything, so he was very angry that Corvus lied. He sent the crow, the cup and the serpent all into the sky. Another story says the cup is actually the sacred goblet used by the Olympian Gods. At one time, the constellation was seen as the young boy, Ganymede, who used to serve the gods nectar in the goblet. Eventually it was changed to represent the cup.
There aren't any clusters or nebulae in the constellation. There are several faint galaxies, but none are of interest to amateur astronomers. Instead, you should concentrate on finding all the faint stars that make up the constellation!
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