This is an example of Venus volcanism.
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Volcanism of Venus
The Magellan mission to Venus confirmed that the surface of Venus is definitely volcanic. As shown in this picture, lava flows extend to hundreds of miles across the plains in the foreground.
The surface of Venus is an example of the fact that there are many different kinds of volcanism besides the building of volcanic cones such as those found on Earth. Among the different kinds of volcanism exhibited by Venus are:
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On May 4, 1989, Magellan was carried into space by the Atlantis space shuttle, which launched it toward Venus. It arrived on Aug. 10, 1990 and inserted itself into a highly elliptical orbit around the
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On Venus, domes can sometimes rise up and then collapse. Collapsed domes are called "crowns". Crowns are a signature of volcanism on Venus. Other kinds of domes on Venus are: pancakedomes (shown here)
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