A picture of the Gamma Ray Observatory, which can be used to detect
primordial black holes
According to Stephen Hawking, any object with an energy which equals Plank's energy has to become a black hole.
If that is so, the energy released during the Big Bang must have created many such black holes. Therefore most of the Energy of the Big bang must have disappeared in that form. Then how did the Universe evolve as predicted by the standard model of the universe?
The Plank energy is really high--1.22E28 eV (electron volts).
When an object has more energy than the Plank energy, it will form a black hole. This is called a primordial
black hole.
Primordial black holes are really small because they aren't formed by
gravitational collapse. When a black hole is really small it will emit a
lot of energy. We have tried to detect this energy but we haven't been
able to.
Energy doesn't disappear into a black hole. Einstein proved that
matter and energy are interchangeable. (This was his equation
E=mc2.) After a primordial black hole has formed, it still has
a mass. This mass exerts a gravitational force on the other matter, so
there shouldn't be any discrepancies with the standard model of the
Submitted by Surjeet (Madras, India)
(April 1, 1998)
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If that is so, the energy released during the Big Bang must have created many such black holes. Therefore most of the Energy of the Big bang must have disappeared in that form. Then how did the Universe