Atlas was forced by Jupiter to hold up the sky.
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Courtesy of the Nova Development and Corel Corporations
Ancient Romans Atlas was the leader of the giant Titans who fought a war against the gods. The head of the gods was
Jupiter, who was fighting against his father, the Titan
Saturn, to gain control of the world.
When Jupiter won the war, he severely punished Atlas by making him carry the sky on
his shoulders.
A moon of the planet Saturn was named after the
Titan Atlas for fighting with his brother Saturn.
Atlas was the father of the Pleiades,
theHyades, and the Hesperides. The
Hesperides were the guardians of a tree of golden apples. The earth
goddess Gaea gave the tree to Juno,
the wife of Jupiter, as a wedding present.
The tree was in a secret location. Nevertheless, an oracle told Atlas that a son of Jupiter would one day steal the golden apples guarded by his daughters. For this reason, Atlas refused to let anyone visit his home. One day,
a famous hero, Perseus passed by where Atlas was living. When Atlas denied hospitality to him, Perseus, showed Atlas the head of the Gorgon Medusa, which had the ability to turn anything into stone. The giant Atlas was immediately transformed into the homonymous mountains
in northwest Africa.
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