The periodic table of the elements.
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L.Gardiner/Windows to the Universe

The Periodic Table of the Elements

Everything you see around you is made of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms are so small that you can’t see them but scientists have found out that there are many different types of atoms, and each type is called an element.

The picture to the left shows the periodic table of the elements. This table lists all the elements that we know exist.

Each square in the table represents a different element. Each element has its own sign and number. For instance, the upper left square of the table includes an ‘H’ and a number one. The ‘H’ stands for the element called hydrogen. The number one means that each atom of hydrogen has one positively charged particle, called a proton , at its center.

These elements are the ingredients used to make everything we find on Earth.

Last modified April 29, 2003 by Lisa Gardiner.

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